Same Meaning of the word

Amazing: If you rearrange these letters it gives the same meaning.

Dormitory = Dirty Room

Astronomer = Moon starer

The eyes = They see

Election Results = Lies lets recount

Mother-in-law = Woman Hitler

Eleven plus two = Twelve plus one.

A Funny Test

Take This Stress Test by Answering 2 Questions...

1. Which Mouse has Two Legs?
Ans. Mickey Mouse.

2. Which Duck has 2 legs?
If you answered Donald Duck,
You Are Under Stress.
Because All Ducks have Two Legs.
So Please Chill out and Enjoy.

Money in Books.

Wife: Whenever we keep the money in the bags our son steals it,
I don't know what to do.
Husband: Keep it in his Books. I know he will never touch them.

An Invitiation

Dad! I got married Yesterday Evening. I forgot to inform you.

Daddy: Its ok my child.

But Next time You should invite me.

Before you judge a person.

Before You Judge a Person,
Walk a Mile in his Shoes..

After That,
Who cares?

He's a Mile Away & The Shoes are yours!!

Take them & Run.. :-)


If Columbus had been a Married Man, He might have never discovered USA.

Because He would be asked:

Where r u going?
With Whom?
To discover What?
When will you be back?

Best Sleeping Position.

Question: What is The Most Dangerous Position In Which To Sleep.


It's When You Sleep With Your Feet On Your Office Desk...

World's Shortest Love Story.

World's Shortest Love Story
He Smiled...
She Smiled...
Baby Cried... :-)

What is between Fingers

Do yo know why There is Gaps between Fingers?


Someone will come in your Life,
will Hold your hand & slowly say:

"Le Pakar! GOLD LEAF ka Sutta laga!"

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